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Watch Let the Dead Lie Full Movie

Watch Let the Dead Lie (2016) Full Movie and Get Access. Let the Dead Lie can be watch for free registering. Streaming Let the Dead Lie with 1080p Quality.
Let the Dead Lie

Watch Let the Dead Lie Online Streaming

Let the Dead Lie (2016)

Release : 2016-04-01
Genre : Horror
Runtime :
Home Page :
Company : Pure Fiction
Cast : Baard Owe, Danny Thykær, Razi Irawani, Klaus Hjuler, Jakob Hasselstrøm

Jimmy is an outsider at his school. He is interested in the occult. He doesn't socialize much, but instead he tries to get in touch with his dead mother through ancient rituals, but without success. But one day a new boy starts at the school and he quickly befriends Jimmy. Suddenly the spirits awaken and become a real threat, so Jimmy and Amir have to join forces with the schools two most popular girls to fight the evil.

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Let the Dead Lie

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