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.!((W A T C H))!. ©720p! ** Stairless* ⚒2015️ © mOViE. OnLine fUlL

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Stairless (2015)

Release : 2015-12-12
Genre : Drama
Runtime : 97 minutes
Home Page :
Company : Radio Televizija Srbije
Cast : Vlastimir 'Đuza' Stojiljković, Nataša Ninković, Aleksandar Đurica, Ivan Đorđević, Marko Janketić

Slavisa suffers from the Alzheimer's disease and his life in the community is becoming more complex, both for himself and for his household. His daughter and son-in-law are of the view that it is time for Slavisa to be placed in a nursing home. Slavisa desperately tries to convince them and show them that everything with him is still all right. With time this becomes more and more difficult to prove.

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